American-Made ROSCO McRosco (Scissor) Snap

American-Made Plated Brass McROSCO (McMAHON, Scissor) Snap

SKU: N/A Category:

Also called a McMahon Snap or Scissor Snap, ROSCO is the only manufacturer of these snaps in the USA!

SizeTestLengthExcise TaxPrice Break QTY'S
3800.760Y1000, 15000
4800.870Y1000, 15000
51101.125Y1000, 15000
61501.250N1000, 15000

Quality American-Made Tackle Since 1926

Rome Specialty Company, Inc., 501 W. Embargo St., Rome, NY 13442-0109

Copyright © Rome Specialty Company, All Rights Reserved.